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Resources » Parent Liaison

Parent Liaison


My name is Roslyn Harrison. This is my 14th year as Parent Liaison here at Geiger Elementary School. I am glad to be a part of the Geiger family. As Parent Liaison, I work to bridge the gap between home, school, and the community by assisting parents in getting the information, help and support they need to ensure their child’s academic and social success in school. I want to be sure that parents understand what they can do to get involved, stay informed, and help their child do his/her best. I encourage all parents to be an active part of their child’s education. You are welcome and encouraged to visit the Parent Resource Center/Cub Café throughout the year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Looking forward to a stellar year!


If you have any questions or concerns please contact Geiger's Parent Liaison Roslyn Harrison.